Ho’oponopono Course

Ho’oponopono is about taking responsibility for everything that affects your state of being. It’s the art of acceptance, forgiveness, and cleansing of energies that you attract into your life.
Is Ho’oponopono right for you?
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Underwhelmed?
Are you holding onto things (mental or physical) that may no longer serve you? And you have no idea how to move on?
Have you ever asked, “Why me, God?” or do you sometimes feel as if the Universe is working against you?
Do you want to have greater control over your own life in a positive way?
Do you wish you had better relationships with loved ones, friends, or co-workers?
Have you ever asked, “When will it be my turn for [your desire]?” And are you still waiting?
Do you feel like there is something missing but you can’t pinpoint what?
Have you ever been told, “God picked you because He knew you could handle this situation. He never gives us more than we can handle” but find yourself saying,

If you have answered yes to any of those questions, then Ho’oponopono may be a missing piece in your life.
Traditional Ho’oponopono
Ancient Hawaiian practice.
Performed as a family healing ceremony, with all members present.
Held/conducted by a priest or wise elder.
Each member is given an opportunity to voice any concerns (mental cleansing).
The process often lasted days followed by a luau to celebrate the end result.

Modern Day Ho’oponopono
Morrnah Simeona, Hawaiian Kahuna Healer, realized that Ho’oponopono needed a modern-day twist so that society would continue to gain benefits. Morrnah also owned and operated two health spas in Hawaii. At these spas, she would combine Ho’oponopono and massage for a more powerful experience. This new method is called Self-Identity Through Ho’oponopono.
The 4 Mantras

During this 5-week course, it is my goal to teach you everything I know about the Ho’oponopono technique and tools, allowing you to release any limiting beliefs or stored programs that you may be holding onto from past experiences.
When we learn to break free from these blocks and limitations, we can move into living the life we truly want.
There is no limit on what the Universe has to give – if we could only learn to get out of our own way.
Two Ways To Register
Send an email to info@somedaydecisions.com or call Rhonda at 480.525.2155.
Group courses are offered throughout the year or you can sign up for one-on-one training.