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Rhonda A. Miga, MS
Education & Credentials:
Master of Science in Holistic Natural Health & Nutrition
Advanced Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner
Wellness Coach
My Philosophy About True Health
Hi! I’m Rhonda Miga (“me gah”), Holistic Natural Health & Nutrition expert and I use Nutrition Response Testing® in my practice.
I strongly believe that the only path to true health is by nutritionally supporting the body and allowing it to do its healing work naturally. Having good health resides in each one of us. Unfortunately, various life challenges can prevent us from obtaining and retaining optimum health.
In my practice, I work with individuals to help identify what challenges may be blocking the way to true healing. The most common stressors we see are food intolerances, immune challenges, chemical and/or metal toxicities, and scars.

Using Nutrition Response Testing® I have successfully helped women, men, and children overcome today’s life challenges. These include stress, weight loss, fatigue, poor sleep, digestive issues, skin conditions, and many other health related conditions. I look forward to working with you to discover and obtain your optimum health.
At soMEday DECISIONS, you are an active part of your care. We offer individually designed nutritional programs, 1:1 coaching, and small group coaching. It’s your choice! We’ll help you find what you need and support you in your journey to better health, healing, and personal growth. This will allow you to reach your body’s fullest potential!
How My Journey Started
I’m a native Floridian, born in Orlando and raised in Jacksonville.
I joined the Army right out of high school. During my service, I became a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and served for 10 years.

After I left the Army, I dedicated the next 18 years to raising two beautiful children. It was during this time that I became more aware of the nutritional and healing benefits of real food. I also discovered the harmful side effects of eating a Standard American Diet (SAD).
My daughter would develop headaches after eating cake at a birthday party. We learned headaches were a physical reaction from consuming color dyes. And my son was diagnosed with autism. He reacted behaviorally after eating foods with artificial additives, artificial preservatives, and color dyes.
But reading labels and avoiding fast food was not enough.
Treating Symptoms But Not The Source
The doctors related my son’s behavior to “having autism.” They prescribed one medication after another to:
- “control his behaviors”
- “help him sleep”
- “help him focus in school”

Unfortunately, medications typically treat the symptom but not the source. This can result in prescription dependence and unwanted side effects.
And that is what happened. The prescriptions increased, the behaviors became worse, and my son became physically sicker and sicker.
In 2014, after several weeks of no sleep, an increase in panic attacks and anxiety, and a loss of 35 pounds, I had my son hospitalized to be detoxed of all prescription medications.
It was on this day I said, “Enough is enough.”
The Journey Of Education And Answers
After my son’s hospitalization, I became a student at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) to figure out how to help my son in a more natural way. In fact, I recall saying, “I am done with doctors. I am going to figure this out myself.” I graduated from IIN in June 2015.
While in training at IIN, I met Dr. Kristy Harvell, DC and was introduced to Nutrition Response Testing® (NRT). Because my son is non-verbal, this type of testing became his voice. NRT allowed us to identify exactly what his body wanted and needed to heal itself.
Finally, something was working!
So, I decided to explore more. I attended an NRT weekend seminar and never looked back. I completed the Professional Level Training of NRT in July 2016 and Advanced Clinical Training of NRT in August 2021 through Ulan Nutritional Systems.
When Nutrition Is Not Enough
Over the years, I’ve learned that quality health does not stop at what foods we put into our bodies.

The innate intelligence of the body has the ability to heal itself. And we need to support the body by learning what it’s trying to tell us. How? By paying attention to the signs. Symptoms are signs. If your car’s “low tire” or “check engine” light came on the dashboard of the car, you would not ignore it, would you? So, why ignore the early signs your body is giving you?
It’s been easy for me to support others educationally and nutritionally over the years. However, during Covid-19, when businesses and schools shut down, just like so many other families, my family also struggled.
This time I felt helpless and at a loss on how to support a loved one in need. Then it finally clicked. I realized I needed to look within myself to find the answers.
The Exploration Within To Find The Missing Piece
In July 2020, Jennifer White, owner of Clearing for Launch Coaching, introduced me to Morrnah Simeona’s Self-Identity Through Ho’oponopono (SITH). This is a modern-day version of the traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. While learning to apply this practice to myself, I could not get enough information on the topic. Through my research, I became an Advanced Ho’oponopono Certified Mentor. I took two courses offered by author Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, and completed a Ho’oponopono Practitioner Course with Toni Puhle.
I also took a self-discovery 3-month course with Dr. Mary Ozegovich at the Radical Change Coaching Academy. It focused on combining her version of Ho’oponopono Healing and the 4 Must Laws.
In November 2021, I was accepted into the Radical Change Coaching Academy coaching program.

I believe this has been a missing piece in both my personal life and in my nutrition practice. This training has allowed me to support my clients as a whole – because becoming the healthiest you goes beyond what may be in your pantry.
At soMEday Decisions, we look at the Head, Heart, and Gut to create an individualized program to meet your needs.