Purification and Detox Programs
Here are two excellent programs that help you purify and detox your body naturally. Why do you need purification and detox programs? They can help you remove toxins from your body and help you maintain a healthy weight.
The Standard Process 21-Day Purification Program

We are exposed to toxins every day, such as pollutants, pesticides, and chemicals. These toxins can cause your body to react with fatigue, a stuffy head, difficulty sleeping, weight gain, indigestion, foggy thinking, joint pain, and much more. Are you experiencing any of those conditions?
If so, the 21-Day Purification Program is a perfect way for you to give your body a needed reset by removing the toxins that are within your control. And, feed your body the quality nutrients it needs each day.
The SP Detox Balance ™ Program

Did you know? Within the United States, there are 80K chemicals registered for use, there are 800 million+ pounds of herbicides used per year, and there are 167 industrial chemicals found in adults with no employment-related exposure. Shocking, right?
The SP Detox Balance Program delivers whole food-based nutrition while supporting the body to remove toxins in a safe, healthy way. You can choose the 10-day or 28-day Program.
Which program is right for you?
If you’ve already spoken with your healthcare provider and are ready to order, you can click the “Order Your Program Here” link above. If you would like to speak to someone before ordering, call us at (480) 525-2155.
Convenience or Savings? Receive 10% off published pricing by ordering and picking up at our office in Mesa, AZ or receive FREE SHIPPING when ordering through the soMEday DECISIONS authorized website.
Added Support. When you purchase your 21-Day Purification Program Kit through our office or authorized website, you’ll receive access to our online support area ABSOLUTELY FREE! Just forward a copy of your order to us at info@somedaydecisions.com and we’ll provide the details needed to access the SP Purification Program Support area.
Evaluate Your Toxicity Levels
Use the toxicity questionnaire to help assess your needs. Once complete, send a copy of your questionnaire to rhonda@somedaydecisions.com to help you evaluate which program is right for you.